Whoa Nelly! Raw Dog Food

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What Happens When Guide Dogs Are Fed Raw?

In 2009, Guide Dogs Queensland had a big problem. Some of their dogs had health issues and it was costing lots of money. The CEO decided to make a significant change - one not seen at any guide dog organisation in the world. 

They started feeding their 200 dogs a raw food diet. 

What do you think the effect was?

“Healthcare costs have dropped 82 per cent, despite the colony expanding. Serious skin and digestive issues have all but vanished and healthier teeth and gums have been observed, along with reduced body odour and fresher breath.”

An 82% reduction (!!!) in vet bills just from changing the diet to fresh food. What a bloody good result!

According to Dr Connor Brady in his excellent “Feeding Dogs” book, their vet bills fell by $80,000 while skin, ear and gut conditions were significantly reduced. It’s a dream situation for an organisation of working dogs.

There was one issue though. 

Guide Dog schools in Australia are sponsored by a multinational pet food manufacturer.

Despite the incredible results - improving the quality of lives of the guide dogs AND saving a huge amount of money - it wasn’t enough.

In 2015, Guide Dogs Queensland did not renew CEO Chris Laine’s contract. The dogs were put back on kibble.

It’s quite an incredible story. It shows not only the power and value of quality fresh food, but also how entrenched the machine is for selling processed food. 

If you don't want healthy dogs and 82% less vet bills, what on earth is the point?